Monthly Archives: March 2011

Meet our March Design Consultant

This March we would like you to meet a founding Design Consultant:  Megan C.  Perhaps the thoughts she shares during her interview will explain why she has been so dedicated to Maddy Moo Creations. 

1. How did you find out about Maddy Moo?          
 About three and half years ago, I was looking at random websites, looking for a new type of direct sales company. Seeing a Design Your Own Handbag company piqued my interest because I have never heard of anything like that before.                                                                 
2. How long after that did you order your consultant kit?
 About two weeks. I spent some time researching and comparing it to a few other companies I found some interest in. I compared products, prices, compensation and leadership programs. I also sent the websites to my friends to pilot and look through, because ultimately, they needed to be my biggest customers and supporters in order to help me jump start and sustain my new business.
3. Why did you decide to become a Maddy Moo Design Consultant?    
 A few reasons. I wanted to be part of something new and exciting. I was the first person in New York State to sign up as a consultant, and I liked the challenge of starting my business from the ground up. Also, hearing friends reactions to being able to design their own hand bag, and their excitement and enthusiasm to have parties and share this new concept with their friends and family was invigorating!
4. What is your favorite style of bag?
Heehee…I have a few. I won a contest and was able to name the Chase bag after my son, and I donate a portion of those proceeds to the Rochester Chapter of Autism Speaks, so that bag is so special to me.  The Megan bag was named after me when I had been successful in the company for a number of months, and I tend to carry that bag the most. It’s so versatile and is such a sharp looking bag that goes with any outfit I’m wearing or event I’m attending. And I have multiple designs of the Kate bag. It’s so trendy and adorable, and it’s deceivingly large on the inside!                
5. What do you love most about being a Maddy Moo Design Consultant? 
I love being “out in the field” and working with such fun women and helping them design a fabulous bag that showcases their personality. I love working for Elizabeth Chester, Maddy Moo’s CEO, who is so passionate and enthusiastic about not only her company, but the consultants. She has an invested interest in each and every one of us, and is constantly motivating and inspiring us by designing new and innovative products that our customers are going to find fresh and stylish. Elizabeth’s leadership encourages me to try new practices in my business and to challenge myself to always be better. Having somebody believe in you is truly encouraging and makes my “job” fun!              
6. How do you measure your success with Maddy Moo?  
When somebody gets a bag that they ordered and tells me how much they love it and can’t wait to order another one! Or when I’m in a store and I see a stranger carrying a Maddy Moo bag, and I think to myself, “She’s carrying that bag because of me! I started this trend in NY!”                       
7. Is there anything that you have learned about yourself from being a Maddy Moo Design Consultant? 
That I’m really great with all different types of people and personalities. You meet so many interesting ladies and are welcomed into so many homes. I love talking and getting to know and make new friends. Hanging out with girls, parties and purses really doesn’t feel like a job!                          
8. What are you looking forward to the most about being a Maddy Moo Design Consultant in 2011? 
 Constantly challenging myself to learn new techniques in selling or promoting my product, and to not get too comfortable using the same practices that I have been doing for 3 years. That keeps me motivated and energized to keep booking parties, because no two are the same!            
9. Do you have any tips for someone considering becoming a Maddy Moo Design Consultant?                                                           
You need to really love the product that your selling. If you have a genuine enthusiasm for your product, it will shine through when you are talking about your bags. Find a favorite bag or two and fabric and have a “story” to tell about them, like my earlier examples about the Chase and Megan bags. It makes people relate to the product and want to create their own “story’ with a Maddy Moo bag!